English see below! / Español véase abajo! /
Português veja-se abaixo!
Eine Bitte, die eigentlich keinen großen
Umstand macht, aber eine immense Wirkung
hat: Am 1. Februar sollen für 5 Minuten
lang jeglicher Stromverbrauch vermieden,
also alles ausgeschaltet werden. Zwischen
19:55 und 20:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit, also
18:55 - 19:00 Uhr GMT wird an diesem Tag
weltweit "ausgeschaltet", um ein Statement
an Medien und Regierung abzugeben. Der
"Wink mit dem Zaunpfahl" soll
veranschaulichen, dass das Thema
Klimawandel weltweit auf die obersten
Plätze der Agenda gehört.
Es ist ein Akt, der nur 5 Minuten dauert,
der absolut nichts kostet, der aber der
Regierung zeigt, dass die
Klimakatastrophe ein schwerwiegendes
Thema der Weltpolitik sein sollte.
Wer sich an den "einkaufsfreien Sonntag"
vor knapp 5 Jahren erinnert,ist sich
über die aussagekräftige Wirkung einer
solchen einfachen Aktion im Klaren.Und
warum genau am 1. Februar? An diesem
Datum veröffentlichen die Vereinten
Nationen die aktuellsten Ergebnisse
und Erkenntnisse zum Thema Klimawandel.
Also, wie Peter Lustig schon immer
vorgeschlagen hat... SCHALTEN AUCH SIE
AB!!! Mit der Bitte um Weiterleitung
an Interessierte.
On February 1st you can take part in the
world's greatest action against climate
change!!! Turn everything off - On February
1st between 6:55 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. GMT.
A request that makes short work, but which
will have an immense effect:Various
environmental organizations are asking the
people of this planet for holding 5 minutes
of silence: Everyone should turn off all
lights and electricity between 6:55 p.m.
until 7:00 p.m. GMT to bring attention to
other people, the media and politicians
about the daily waste of energy. An act which
takes only 5 minutes and costs nothing, but
shows the governments that climate change
should be on the top agenda of world politics.
Why this date?
On February 1st the United Nations is
publishing the newest results and knowledge
about climate change.
Please note: 6:55 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. GMT
is 1:55-2:00 p.m. time of New York,
12:55-1:00 p.m. time of Winnipeg/Dallas,
11:55 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. time of Edmonton
and 10:55-11:00 a.m. time of Los Angeles.
Please forward to everybody you know!
el 1 de febrero apagad todas las luces
durante 5 minutos como protesta en contra
del cambio climatico El dia 1 de febrero
hay una forma muy sencilla de protestar en
contra del cambio climatico y la actual
politica. El dia 1 de febrero una serie
de grupos politicos llaman a todas las
personas apagar las luces e todo equipo
eléctrico durante cinco minutos en señal
de su oposicion al cambio climatico porque
es alli donde se presenta el informe de la
ONU sobre este deterioro.
De las 18:55 hasta las 19:00 horas GMT
(13:55-14:00 hora de New York/Colombia/
Perú, 14:55-15:00 hora de Venezuela/
Bolivia/Brasil occidental, 15:55-16:00
hora de Brasil oriental/Argentinia)
apaguemos todo para mostrar nuestra
oposicion. Para mostrar nuestra posición
frente a los gobiernos
ciegos. Es una accion simbolica que sin
embargo puede alacanzar mucho.
Muchas gracias.
Que corra la voz, participad y reenviad este
mensaje tantas veces como sea posible!
Um pedido que realmente não faz cerimônias,
mas tem um imenso efeito:No dia 1 de
fevereiro deve ser desligada toda luz e
todo aparelho eletrônico do mundo durante
cinco minutos. Entre às 18:55 horas e às
19:00 horas GMT (ou seja, 15:55-16:00
horário de Brasília) tudo será desligado
no mundo inteiro para dar um signal à mídia
e o governo, que o assunto Alteração
climática tem suprema prioridade. Isso
irá durar só cinco minutos e não custa
realmente nada, mas mostra ao governo a
importância desta tema.
E porque no dia 1 de Fevereiro?
Nesta data, a ONU publica os resultados
atuais relacionados ao tema. Ora, para um
mundo melhor...
Favor reenvie isso para seus
contatos também!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Turn Everything Off Febuary 1st!!!
Friday, January 26, 2007
C-Span's StudentCam
(After you read about the competition, read our ideas for GETTING STARTED.)
Read an article about our 2006 StudentCam winners from USA Today.
View winning videos from C-SPAN's 2006 StudentCam Video Contest.
Watch an interview with two 2006 StudentCam faculty advisors.
WHAT IS "C-SPAN StudentCam"? C-SPAN StudentCam is an annual documentary competition that encourages students to think seriously about issues that affect our communities and our nation. C-SPAN StudentCam invites students to identify a current political topic of interest and produce a short (up to ten minute) video documentary which creatively explores an issue while integrating C-SPAN programming.
WHAT CONTENT SHOULD MY VIDEO INCLUDE? Video documentaries may include different elements-i.e. straight documentary, interviews, entertainment, promotional, news report, magazine style, or public service, but must also include C-SPAN programming. Limited use of copyrighted material would be permitted in an entry so long as it is a lawful or so-called "fair" use, and so long as such use does not overwhelm the contribution of the student(s). In addition to creatively exploring a current political topic of interest, successful entries will also follow C-SPAN's editorial principles by giving appropriate weight to opposing views of the chosen topic. The videos in this competition must also incorporate clips of C-SPAN programming.
HOW CAN I OBTAIN THE C-SPAN FOOTAGE? In order to find the content you need, check the C-SPAN schedule online or sign up to receive C-SPAN Alert, a daily email with up to date programming information. These resources will help you identify air dates and times of programs or events related to your issue. Once you have identified a program you think you might be able to use, make a copy when it airs. C-SPAN-produced programming is copyright cleared to copy (in either analog or digital forms) for use in educational applications like StudentCam. However, if the program you need has already aired, you may obtain a copy from the C-SPAN Archives.
WHAT IS THE VIDEO TIME LIMIT? Up to 10 minutes in length.
WHO CAN COMPETE? Middle school students (grades 6-8) and high school students (grades 9- 12) in the United States as individuals, or teams of students may create and submit entries. Teams are limited to 3 students. Videos must be the original work of students, however, teachers may provide guidance and critiques. Teachers of top winners will receive digital media equipment for their schools.
HOW WILL THE VIDEOS BE JUDGED? We recognize that students have varying degrees of access to video production equipment and encourage all to apply! Entries will be judged on the following criteria: success in capturing the contest's themes; quality of expression, use of C-SPAN programming, inclusion of multiple viewpoints, and creativity.
WHAT IS THE DEADLINE? Entries must be received in the C-SPAN offices by 5:00pm ET on Friday, March 30, 2007.
WHAT ARE THE PRIZES? Multiple cash prizes of $250, $500, $750, and $1,000, will be awarded in both middle and high school categories; one Grand Prize of $3,000 will be awarded to the best overall entry.
C-SPAN "StudentCam" Video Competition
c/o C-SPAN Classroom
400 N. Capitol St., NW
Suite 650
Washington, DC 20001
WHAT DO I NEED TO INCLUDE WITH MY ENTRY? You must submit an official entry form with your video. Download the entry forms and read the complete Contest Rules here.
HOW CAN I OBTAIN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS I STILL HAVE ABOUT THE CONTEST? Review the Getting Started page. If you still have questions, contact C-SPAN Classroom at educate@c-span.org or between 8:30am-5:30pm ET at 202-626-4858.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Friends are the mirrors that reflect back what you alone cannot see in yourself.
Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.
"there is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountain top of our desires" -Nelson Mandela
"whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect" -Mark Twain
"an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" -Gandhi
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."
"Confidence is the sexiest thing a person can have."
"Sometimes even just one person focused on a goal can achieve great things." -Schmuley
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." --Edmund Burke
"Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it."
-Lou Holtz
I'm an inhabitant of the world -Stephane
Clean Water for Everyone
$3 Gadget Produces Safe Drinking Water
June 18, 2007 issue - With his rimless eyeglasses and natty suit, 35-year-old Mikkel Vestergaard Frandsen looks like the kind of CEO who enjoys a fine red. Less likely is the image of him slurping that Bordeaux through a bright blue straw the size of a fat kazoo. But slurp he has, and not just wine: he's also tasted soda, pond water, and water from a lake in Nairobi through the gizmo. "You have to suck pretty hard at first to get it moist, but after that it's easy," he says of the LifeStraw, the portable water filter manufactured by his Danish company.
Most of the LifeStraw's users will never drink anything fancier than plain water through the device. But its impact on their lives can't be overstated. More than 1 billion people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water, and 6,000 people die each day of waterborne diseases like typhoid, cholera and dysentery. In regions like sub-Saharan Africa, half of most people's water consumption takes place outside the home—either while they're working, or walking to and from school. Vestergaard Frandsen S.A.—which also produces mosquito nets and plastic sheeting coated with insecticide to fend off malaria—hopes that the $3 LifeStraw will drastically lessen their chances of getting sick. "It's a product that can save lives without spare parts, electricity or maintenance," says the firm's CEO. So far about 2,000 LifeStraws have been sold, mostly to aid agencies. (The product is still being fine-tuned for mass production.)
The blue tubes are quite a departure from the hotel uniforms first produced by Mikkel's grandfather Kaj, who founded the company in 1957. The younger Vestergaard Frandsen never wanted to go into the family business. Instead, at 19 he set up shop in Lagos, Nigeria, as an importer of car parts, until a 1992 coup caused him to rethink his prospects. Upon his return to Denmark he told his father, Torben, then CEO of the company, that he would join the firm if his work could involve Africa, which he had grown to love. "I wanted to work with Africa as an adventure, not a humanitarian or philanthropic gesture," he says. "That all came later when we realized the enormous impact we were having."
His first task was to find something to do with more than 1 million square yards of surplus fabric the company didn't need. He had the woolen material cut into blankets and sold to aid organizations. "That was the first evolution," he says. Later, as dirt-cheap textiles from China began to undermine the business, he looked for more specialized products to deliver. He began with a trap for tsetse flies, made with insecticide-laced fabric, and the nexpanded the concept to include wash-resistant mosquito nets (PermaNet) and plastic sheeting that can be used as blankets or for temporary shelter (ZeroFly). "Ninety percent of our business is malaria prevention," says Vestergaard Frandsen. (The workwear division was sold off in 1997.) PermaNet remains the company's most popular product, with nearly 4 million sold every month. According to the World Health Organization, such nets have helped reduce childhood-mortality rates by 25 percent in sub-Saharan Africa.
The company developed the LifeStraw in conjunction with Atlanta's Carter Center, which was working on a filter that would block guinea worm, a waterborne parasite. The first prototypes were rolled out after a devastating 2005 earthquake in Kashmir that killed more than 73,000 people and left more than 3 million homeless. Each LifeStraw contains layers of increasingly fine mesh filters that block bacteria. Iodine beads kill remaining bacteria, along with viruses and many parasites. Active carbon neutralizes the taste of the iodine and knocks out remaining parasites. The LifeStraw currently does not filter out Giardia lamblia, a common parasite (making it a bad choice for U.S. backpackers looking for a way around boiling their camp water), but Vestergaard Frandsen says the company is working on solving that problem. The nine-inch-long straw filters up to 185 gallons of water—about a year's worth of use—after which it needs to be replaced.
Vestergaard Frandsen's next project is to create a large-capacity household water filter, as well as an insecticide-coated fence to protect crops. He describes both ideas with a zeal that's equal parts commercial and crusading. While visiting a clinic in western Kenya a few months ago, he saw thousands of people lining up to get "their vitamin A shot, their measles vaccination and their mosquito-repellent bed nets. As a businessman, I can be proud to get a contract for 2 million bed nets and fulfill it on time," he says. "But as a person, I can be proud that over the lifetime of the nets they will prevent the deaths of 400,000 children." Thanks to the LifeStraw, they needn't go thirsty either.
URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19121634/site/newsweek/page/0/
HPV & Ovarian Cancer Prevention
Genital HPV infection is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Human papillomavirus is the name of a group of viruses that includes more than 100 different strains or types. More than 30 of these viruses are sexually transmitted, and they can infect the genital area of men and women including the skin of the penis, vulva (area outside the vagina), or anus, and the linings of the vagina, cervix, or rectum. Most people who become infected with HPV will not have any symptoms and will clear the infection on their own.
Some of these viruses are called "high-risk" types, and may cause abnormal Pap tests. They may also lead to cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus, or penis. Others are called "low-risk" types, and they may cause mild Pap test abnormalities or genital warts. Genital warts are single or multiple growths or bumps that appear in the genital area, and sometimes are cauliflower shaped.
Approximately 20 million people are currently infected with HPV. At least 50 percent of sexually active men and women acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives. By age 50, at least 80 percent of women will have acquired genital HPV infection. About 6.2 million Americans get a new genital HPV infection each year.
The types of HPV that infect the genital area are spread primarily through genital contact. Most HPV infections have no signs or symptoms; therefore, most infected persons are unaware they are infected, yet they can transmit the virus to a sex partner. Rarely, a pregnant woman can pass HPV to her baby during vaginal delivery. A baby that is exposed to HPV very rarely develops warts in the throat or voice box.
Most people who have a genital HPV infection do not know they are infected. The virus lives in the skin or mucous membranes and usually causes no symptoms. Some people get visible genital warts, or have pre-cancerous changes in the cervix, vulva, anus, or penis. Very rarely, HPV infection results in anal or genital cancers.
Genital warts usually appear as soft, moist, pink, or flesh-colored swellings, usually in the genital area. They can be raised or flat, single or multiple, small or large, and sometimes cauliflower shaped. They can appear on the vulva, in or around the vagina or anus, on the cervix, and on the penis, scrotum, groin, or thigh. After sexual contact with an infected person, warts may appear within weeks or months, or not at all.
Genital warts are diagnosed by visual inspection. Visible genital warts can be removed by medications the patient applies, or by treatments performed by a health care provider. Some individuals choose to forego treatment to see if the warts will disappear on their own. No treatment regimen for genital warts is better than another, and no one treatment regimen is ideal for all cases.
Most women are diagnosed with HPV on the basis of abnormal Pap tests. A Pap test is the primary cancer-screening tool for cervical cancer or pre-cancerous changes in the cervix, many of which are related to HPV. Also, a specific test is available to detect HPV DNA in women. The test may be used in women with mild Pap test abnormalities, or in women >30 years of age at the time of Pap testing. The results of HPV DNA testing can help health care providers decide if further tests or treatment are necessary.
No HPV tests are available for men.
There is no "cure" for HPV infection, although in most women the infection goes away on its own. The treatments provided are directed to the changes in the skin or mucous membrane caused by HPV infection, such as warts and pre-cancerous changes in the cervix.
All types of HPV can cause mild Pap test abnormalities which do not have serious consequences. Approximately 10 of the 30 identified genital HPV types can lead, in rare cases, to development of cervical cancer. Research has shown that for most women (90 percent), cervical HPV infection becomes undetectable within two years. Although only a small proportion of women have persistent infection, persistent infection with "high-risk" types of HPV is the main risk factor for cervical cancer.
A Pap test can detect pre-cancerous and cancerous cells on the cervix. Regular Pap testing and careful medical follow-up, with treatment if necessary, can help ensure that pre-cancerous changes in the cervix caused by HPV infection do not develop into life threatening cervical cancer. The Pap test used in U.S. cervical cancer screening programs is responsible for greatly reducing deaths from cervical cancer. For 2004, the American Cancer Society estimates that about 10,520 women will develop invasive cervical cancer and about 3,900 women will die from this disease. Most women who develop invasive cervical cancer have not had regular cervical cancer screening.
The surest way to eliminate risk for genital HPV infection is to refrain from any genital contact with another individual.
For those who choose to be sexually active, a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner is the strategy most likely to prevent future genital HPV infections. However, it is difficult to determine whether a partner who has been sexually active in the past is currently infected.
For those choosing to be sexually active and who are not in long-term mutually monogamous relationships, reducing the number of sexual partners and choosing a partner less likely to be infected may reduce the risk of genital HPV infection. Partners less likely to be infected include those who have had no or few prior sex partners.
HPV infection can occur in both male and female genital areas that are covered or protected by a latex condom, as well as in areas that are not covered. While the effect of condoms in preventing HPV infection is unknown, condom use has been associated with a lower rate of cervical cancer, an HPV-associated disease.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Home Page
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection - Topic Page
HPV and Men - Fact Sheet
HPV Vaccine Questions and Answers
HPV: Common Infection. Common Reality - Brochures and Posters
Order Publications Online
Cervical Cancer Awareness
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
STD information and referrals to STD Clinics
1-800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636)
TTY: 1-888-232-6348
In English, en Español
CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN)
P.O. Box 6003
Rockville, MD 20849-6003
1-888-282-7681 Fax
1-800-243-7012 TTY
E-mail: info@cdcnpin.org
American Social Health Association (ASHA)
P. O. Box 13827
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3827
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines 2002. MMWR 2002;51(no. RR-6).
Ho GYF, Bierman R, Beardsley L, Chang CJ, Burk RD. Natural history of cervicovaginal papilloma virus infection in young women. N Engl J Med 1998;338:423-8.
Koutsky LA, Kiviat NB. Genital human papillomavirus. In: K. Holmes, P. Sparling, P. Mardh et al (eds). Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 3rd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999, p. 347-359.
Kiviat NB, Koutsky LA, Paavonen J. Cervical neoplasia and other STD-related genital tract neoplasias. In: K. Holmes, P. Sparling, P. Mardh et al (eds). Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 3rd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999, p. 811-831.
Myers ER, McCrory DC, Nanda K, Bastian L, Matchar DB. Mathematical model for the natural history of human papillomavirus infection and cervical carcinogenesis. American Journal of Epidemiology 2000; 151(12):1158-1171.
Watts DH, Brunham RC. Sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection in pregnancy. In: K. Holmes, P. Sparling, P. Mardh et al (eds). Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 3rd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999, 1089-1132.
Weinstock H, Berman S, Cates W. Sexually transmitted disease among American youth: Incidence and prevalence estimates, 2000. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 2004; 36: 6-10..
Content provided by the Division of STD Prevention
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.A Public Inquiries: 1-800-CDC-INFO (232-4636); 1-888-232-6348 (TTY) |
Department of Health and Human Services http://www.plannedparenthood.org/sexual-health/std/hpv.htm |
U2 signing One at Live 8
Did you know that:
* Every day 6,500 people in Africa die from HIV/AIDS?
* More than 300 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa live on less than one dollar a day?
I thought you would be interested to learn more about what's going on to stop these crises at The ONE Campaign. Americans from all over are lending their voices to this campaign and helping to fight global AIDS and poverty--one person and one vote at a time.
Please visit ONE.org website and learn how you too can get involved by signing the petition.